Yank Masthead (The unofficial) Yank Archives  

From volume 1, issue #33, dated Jan 30th, 1943


Lipstick for the Army's he-men is the latest issue an­nounced by the QM. Called "chapstick," it will be used to protect the G.I.'s tender lips for more im­portant — and warmer — things than the weather.... For tropical areas, the Army has adopted khaki-shorts with unusual­ly wide legs to allow maximum freedom of action. They're worn with knee­length OD socks.... Roller skates are now under­going tests by the War Depart­ment to deter­mine if they could be put to practical use on the feet of dogfaces.... 10,000,600 pounds of quick-frozen spinach will be bought by the Army next year. When Pvt. Popeye reaches for a can of this potherb of the goosefoot family (cf, Webster) instead of a hand grenade, things will look even worse for the Axis.

A photo of the newsbite can be found here

Yank Archive curator's comments:

Chapstick had been around since the late 19th century, but apparently it was still sufficiently novel to be worth noting. As for the roller skates, I guess that experiment didn't work out.

About newsbites: Each issue of Yank had dozens of short reports on events from the home­front as well as the battle­front. They provide a fas­cinat­ing glimpse into life during the war.

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