Yank Masthead (The unofficial) Yank Archives  

From volume 1, issue #41, dated Mar 27th, 1943

Rations Statistics

The QM reveals that the 1943 dogface gets five times more fruits and vegetables in his daily rations than were issued to a soldier of the Continental Army of 1775 — or 35 ounces against seven. But, here's the hitch; today's G.I. doesn't get the quart of spruce beer or hard cider that the Colonial dogface received each day.

Daily rations of meat and milk were the same then as now — a pound of meat and a pint of milk to each EM. Except, as our history books tell us, the Continentals didn't get theirs as regularly as we do.

A photo of the newsbite can be found here

Yank Archive curator's comments:

For those who don't know what spruce beer is, the Wikipedia entry is here.

About newsbites: Each issue of Yank had dozens of short reports on events from the home­front as well as the battle­front. They provide a fas­cinat­ing glimpse into life during the war.

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